Welcome to the Causerie for the Career Seeker in the Performing Arts!
If you've arrived here it's likely because you clicked on The Causerie on the home page. So what is a causerie anyway? It's a blog. I could get all fancy and French, but it is what it is. To be clear, I'm not looking to be popular--I'm hoping to be useful. Many years ago my father, who dabbled in the commodities market, wrote a newsletter he called the Feuilleton for the Arbitrageur. The Feuilleton was targeted toward a very niche type of investor. Arbitrage commodity trading is not for the faint of heart. But he had a small list of subscribers that appreciated the work he put in to researching the pricing and matching strategies for arbitrage investing. This was back in the day when you had to print the thing, stuff it in an envelope, and mail it off to a subscriber.
Nowadays anyone can throw up a blog and try to gather a reading audience. Notably, the vast majority of blogs on the internet live in obscurity. The blogging market is saturated; as of 2019 there are over 500 million blogs on the web. You are here (hopefully) because you have an interest in career change or advancement in the very niche field of the performing arts. My goal is to be helpful in that regard, and if I can do this by way of the occasional snippet of thought then enjoy the Causerie! If you'd like updates on posts, subscribe below.
One last thought-- you might wonder why there is no comment section. It's not because I don't value feedback--in fact I encourage it. But the primary purpose of the causerie is to engage with you the reader on topics that might interest or affect you personally. So, if you have a comment on an article, I'd love to hear from you directly at mark.heiser@hobnailconsulting.com.